During the presentation I spent a lot of time rambling. You can see in the video I repeated a lot of things or had to take time to think of what I wanted to say next. I also said “um” a lot in addition to scrolling through my website a lot. Combined with the pauses and rewording, I think you could tell I was thinking about how I wanted to talk about each topic while I was presenting. To combat this I would like to write down how I am going to go through my presentation, especially the problems and solutions section. This section is especially tricky because a lot of them relate to one another. Finding a way to talk about each point while also connecting them I think will sound really good once I figure out how to do that. Writing down important points and statistics on notecards to have a sort of guide during the presentation will also be useful. 

Other than having some outline, I would like to make more eye contact with the audience and look up more from my screen. This I think will also help reduce how much I was scrolling on my website. Knowing what I want to say next will also help with this because then I won’t be playing with my hands which I do when I’m trying to think of something. Overall, going through the presentation more and practicing will help a lot to get the rhythm down and how to transition from one topic to the next. 

Finally, I would like to improve on flowing from each topic and relating it all to each other. What’s the use of all this information and why should my audience care? A good conclusion to the presentation I think is imperative for this. I would like to find a good way to wrap my presentation up that relates why we should care about vaccinating the world with the current systematic problems and how finding other factors that influence how well we distribute vaccines may be a better way to improve campaign success rather than trying to fix systematic problems. 

Besides all of the things I want to change, I think my timing was pretty good since it was just under 15 minutes. By dropping some of the repetitiveness and rambing but adding more facts I think it will stay around that. I also think I have good visualizations in my website to stop at for each part of the presentation. Having the graph for inequality, the flow chart of the supply chain, the problems and solutions table, and my own maps made it easy to remember what I wanted to talk about and I think will help my audience understand my topic while not taking the attention away from my words.